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Software Asset Management

Software Asset Management Services

Carisma’s Software Asset Management services help companies like yours optimize their IT budgets, mitigate the risk of penalties, and implement more effective processes for the long-term. With our support, you can focus on your day-to-day needs rather than overseeing your vast network of software assets.

Is Software Asset Management for You?

Are you considering reaching out to Carisma for Software Asset Management? Here’s a look at the type of organizations that benefit these services:

  • Businesses that lack accurate, actionable data about the software deployed across their organization.
  • IT units hoping to reduce the costs and risks associated with their current software license agreements.
  • Businesses hoping to minimize the costs associated with software delivery and support.
  • Organizations that have suffered from inefficient asset management or lack the desired level of control over their software infrastructure.

Organizations of all sizes benefit from Carisma’s suite of software support services. From large organizations to small, family-owned businesses, Carisma tailors its services to suit each client’s unique needs.

Why Carisma?

Here’s a sampling of what you get when you consult our SAM experts.

  • Rationalize software by functionality and standardize various versions, editions, etc.
  • Identify unused software licenses to cut down costs.
  • Optimize your strategy for software procurement from end-to-end.
  • Reduce costs associated with software implementation, configuration, and support processes.
  • Benefit from corporate volume-based licensing programs.
  • Mitigate financial, legal, and reputation-based risks associated with software licenses and asset deployment.

Contact Carisma

Reach out to our Managed IT providers today. We’ll work alongside your team to boost visibility, optimize processes, and drive down costs with our world-class approach to Software Asset Management. With time, you’ll develop a reputation as a company that respects its vendors and makes informed, strategic software licensing decisions.

Don’t forget to ask about CarismaCare. Our unique, customizable support model is even available through a free trial.